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How to promote nose breathing


How to promote nose breathing

For someone that has been mouth breathing their whole lives, it might seem challenging to develop the healthy habit of nose breathing. But it’s not impossible. There are various practices that can decrease and eventually eliminate mouth breathing from you life.
  1. Familiarize yourself with the benefits of nose breathing (you are already on your way)
  2. Become mindful of your breath (were you nose breathing while reading this page?)
  3. Avoid or decrease nasal congestion if you have it
  4. Do breathing exercises
  5. Meditate
  6. Start mouth taping during sleep, exercise, or meditation.

The practice of mouth taping

Mouth taping is a simple, yet effective way to promote nose breathing during sleep or exercise. Resty has created mouth tape especially designed to safely mouth tape during sleep. It’s made from breathable, hypoallergenic tape to avoid skin irritations or reaction.  It’s not too sticky to cause any damage, but sticky enough to keep the lips closed. When mouth taping, the goal is not to keep the lips forcefully shut. Rather, it’s to evoke a neurological reminder to keep breathing through the nose. If the mouth needs to be opened at any point, it can be easily done. Besides that, Resty Sleep Tape is non-invasive and non-addictive, and therefore completely safe to use